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About OutServ

OutServ.net, Inc. was founded in 1999 by a group of professionals who are pioneers in the delivery of network based information technology services. Members of our team have been working together since 1996 to deliver quality service to companies that rely on their IT infrastructure.

David Maynard, President & Chief Technology Officer

David has been helping businesses connect with customers on the Internet for over 25 years. In the early 1990's, David worked with Real/Time Communications to develop some of the earliest commercial offerings of network-based Internet access and shared-server web hosting. In 1995, he founded Flametree Corporation, a consulting business focused on creating high performance, highly-available Internet services. After building the first ISP network in Austin with connections to multiple backbone providers, David was recruited by SMART Technologies to lead the network and service development of the SMARTNAP co-location and hosting facility. SMARTNAP grew quickly into a highly successful Internet hub, managing and housing applications for companies such as Deja.com, drkoop.com, pcOrder, Tivoli, Trilogy, and many others. In 1998, SMARTNAP was successfully sold to IXC Communications (since transitioned to Level 3).

After leaving IXC, David returned to Flametree where he could better help companies develop the network and system infrastructure needed to deliver reliable services via the Internet. As a consultant, he could help design and build systems, but lacked the resources to run them on an ongoing basis. Recognizing that most of his clients were desperate for continuing support, David helped found OutServ.net, Inc. OutServ focuses on helping companies that rely on the network-based delivery of information and services as a essential element of their business.

David has a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Tech and an M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University.

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